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Autumn 2 sports news

This half term has seen our year 5&6s take part in dodgeball and indoor rowing. We have also had our first sports festivals of the school year for our year 1/2s and our year 3/4s; both taking part in indoor athletics games at South Notts Academy. All the children who have represented the school have done so in the true Costock way, with their polite manners and fantastic attitude towards competing in the different events. 


As the Autumn term came to a close, we awarded our first 'Sport stars of the term'. Sophie was our KS1 star and Ollie was our KS2 star. A huge well done to both of them, we are all super proud! 


The Spring term will see the return of both the boys and girls football league matches as well as a small school's athletics competition for our year 5/6s.


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